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Purnima Jayasuriya avatar
Written by Purnima Jayasuriya
Updated over 6 months ago

As a Sponsor admin, you can view the engagement of your team and fellow attendees.

This also comes with various benefits for the Sponsor admin in terms of gathering the relevant data, post-event.

Meetings and open chat summary

Meetings and open chat summaries are the board view that allows you to see and assess how your team is doing in terms of 1:1 meetings and chat engagement.

The correlation between

  • Inbound & Outbound requests

  • Pending and Accepted meetings

  • Open chat: converted to meetings

This feature enables your team to see where your team is lacking numbers, and where to focus with engagement at the event to ensure good ROI.

Image from Gyazo

Tip: To get good ROI during and post-event, make sure to:

  1. suggest as many outbound requests as you can (ideally, should be more than inbound)

  2. accept all pending inbound meeting requests

  3. reschedule or cancel (chat left open) outbound pending meeting requests

Make sure to save this summary for your sales and marketing teams' evaluation by clicking on the 'Export (CSV)' button.

Who met who

Who met who board allows you to see and check your team's 1:1 engagement performances:

Once your team starts networking, the information will break as follows:

  1. Your company's representatives

  2. Prospect name, company, and title

  3. Date & time when the meeting happened

  4. Meeting status (accepted, canceled, pending, chat requested, and chat replied)

  5. Location (place) where the meeting took place

  6. Source of the meeting (Inbound or Outbound)

  7. Amount of chat messages exchanged.

Navigate to the top right corner of this board and click on the 'Export (CSV)' button + The report includes emails:

Image from Gyazo

Tip: Who met who view allows you as a sponsor admin and your team to:

  • avoid sending duplicate (repetitive) outbound meeting requests

  • see what type of attendees your team is meetings with and their information

  • check the status of meetings for the entire team

  • check locations of the meetings for the entire team (for in-person events, for example)

  • get the direction on meeting requests for the entire team

  • check who is being the most active representative in terms of meetings

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